Needless to say that the most beautiful and ancient churches of the world can be found in Italy, your Catholic wedding ceremony will be performed in a beautiful Church near your selected venue.
Specific Catholic requirements have to be met in order to have a Catholic wedding in Italy.
The Protestant Church in Italy is represented by different denominations: Adventist, Anglican, Baptist, Reformed, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Evangelist, Methodist, Episcopalian and others. If you opt for a Protestant Wedding you are free to choose your wedding destination without any restrictions: many of the Protestant ministers are flexible and will perform the ceremony wherever you would like!
On occasion, the rabbi could be open to celebrating Jewish weddings in a private castle or villa under a beautiful chuppah overlooking the breath-taking Sicilian landscape. Couples must obtain permission from their Jewish rabbi at home who sends authorization to the rabbi in Italy. If you are from a Reform background, it is possible to have a Reform rabbi celebrate your wedding in Italy which is becoming a quite popular option so that couples can have the ceremony in any private location they would like, without having to obtain any paperwork from home first.